Category Archives: Software

OmniFocus 2: A (Very) Brief Introduction

Introduction: I’ve covered productivity software before, and even task management apps before — but I’ve mainly touted ToDoist as my go-to task management app. But today, I want to give you a look at OmniFocus 2 Pro from The OmniGroup. While the price may seem steep, the upside is that, unlike with ToDoist Premium’s subscription pricing, the Pro upgrade for

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Path Finder 7: How To Use Dual-Pane Mode (And Why You Probably Don’t Need To.)

Introduction: This morning, I found a question in the comments of my last screencast about Path Finder: Richard Chimelis said, “Your video shows dual sidebars in PF7. How did you accomplish that? Everything I can find says that Cocoatech hasn’t enabled that capability yet. Please share — I too was a TotalFinder user since its inception and I need dual

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Using Scapple & Save The Cat To Put The Meat On The Bones Of Your Story

This morning’s post will be nice and quick. I’ve covered Scapple before — I’ve also covered how to employ the Save The Cat! story structure model using Literature & Latte’s other excellent app, Scrivener. So this morning, I’d like to very briefly demonstrate the power of using the Save The Cat! model with Scapple. The reason why is simple: It’s

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Scrivener and Dropbox: Seamless Backup, Airtight Project Security

Scrivener And Dropbox: Seamless Backup For Airtight Project Security Introduction: I wrote my first novel when I was 19 years old. It was brilliant. It had everything. Action, comedy, horror, drama, romance. It was a tour-de-force. It took two years to write, and as I put the finishing touches on it, a power outage wiped it all away. I had

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Together 3: Re-examined

Introduction: Some little while back, I did an “App Shootout” between Evernote and Reinvented Software’s Together 3. Since then, alterations to Evernote’s subscription model have caused me to re-evaluate how that turned out. Consequently, I’ve switched from using Evernote as my primary notation and research app to using Together 3 in that role. Here’s a little of how I use

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Evernote: Gaining Cost, Losing Value

This post is going to read like a complaint, or perhaps a protest. That’s okay. If these thoughts have occurred to me, they’ve likely occurred to others, and maybe, just maybe, I can voice them in a way that leads to something getting better for somebody. Evernote has been my go-to information gathering/shaping solution for some time now. But, recently, that

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